Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why Taking a Vacation from Running Hurts (literally)

After I discovered that sprinklers are the best thing about running at the beach...........I decided not to run at all the rest of my vacation. Each morning I got up and intended to run, but due to the groggy and foggy feelings I had after being up with my injured husband every few hours, I just didn't feel like it. It's been a long time since I used that excuse to not exercise, but I decided not to be too hard on myself. It was vacation, after all. Everyone deserves a break. I've worked hard all year for it....blah blah blah. I did fool myself for the rest of my glorious, indulgent week away from home. I found a shirt to wear that summed up my feelings for the week (see left!) When my six pack comes back I am going to wear this. Really!

The dreaded time arrives when it is time to pack up and leave the beach. Saddest day of the year next to the day after Christmas. We arrived home, and reality sets in. Finally it is Tuesday, and time to run. I just haven't been able to make myself get up early to run, so my running partner and I are having to suffer through in the late evening when it is pretty hot and humid. I felt like I was back to square one. I could barely run for 2 minutes and felt like I was gasping for air. Not a good feeling when you thought you made progress! My muscles felt like they were tearing away from the bone. I thought my feet would burn off. Pitfiul.

Thursday's run wasn't much better. It was a little better, but not much. I began to wish I had a tank of oxygen and a mask to help me. It seemed like nothing worked right, not even my fuel belt. I was beginning to think FAILURE.....you're never going to make this half in November.....everyone else will be rocking and you'll be rolling on the sag wagon. I decided it would take the rest of the summer for me to catch up from not running three times during vacation. My body was screaming out in pain like I had never run a day in my life. It was a very scary moment when I thought all I have worked and sacrificed for is over. (I tend to be a little on the melodramatic side. I'm sure you can't tell!)

Moral of this story:  NEVER EVER take a vacation from running unless you are injured and running will further damage your injury. I will NEVER EVER stop running, even for a few days,  just because I think I deserve a break. I don't. I do deserve to keep my body in a rhythm and a habit of exercise. My lungs and heart deserve to work harder so they can be more efficient. My joints and muscles deserve the familiarity of a regular run to stay in sync. I've learned this lesson the hard, painful way.

Note:  My Saturday run was excellent, and I feel much better about my half in November! I'm not giving up!


  1. I rode my running shoes around in the trunk of my car for a week and a half while on vacation....I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!!

  2. I notice if I don't run for more than 2 days in a row my ass and legs feel heavy. Always takes a few days to get your groove back, glad others feel the same way and its not all in my head!

  3. I'm SO glad to see you picked back up on Saturday. I find that the BEST medicine for a bad run is another run! And if that doesn't work.... go for another run!! Eventually you'll hit a good one and regain your confidence. Just remember these hard runs later- knowing you CAN overcome pain, fatigue, slowness, and lack of oxygen.... ok.... maybe not that last one.... but you totally got this!
